School History

The Official Ground Breaking 
The ground-breaking for Kennedy Road Middle School was held on May 12, 2005 at 3:00pm. The middle school was the second school to be built with the 2001 school SPLOST monies. Moreland Road Elementary was the first school completed after passage of the 2001 SPLOST.

The planned total cost for Kennedy Road Middle is approximately $12,264,000. When opened in the fall of 2006, the school will host 569 students with a capacity of 900 students.
In the picture, the distinguished woman in the white dress, the one without a hard hat, is Kennedy Road's principal Dr. Brenda James-Ford.

The Birth of Kennedy Road Middle School


Construction moves along as planned. 
When the school opens, it will be home to approximately 570 students grades 6 to 8. Jackson Road Elementary, Jordan Hill Elementary, and Moore Elementary Schools will feed into Kennedy Road. Video of the construction site is availabe, but due to electronic storage space, videos are archived off of this website. If you wish to receive the video, please email webmaster.

Dr. Jesse E. Bradley, Jr., Griffin-Spalding County School System Superintendent, toured the Kennedy Road Middle School construction site to observe the progress of the school. By December 19, 2005, construction is over 50 percent complete and is on track for opening for the fall of the 2006-2007 school year, as planned.In the coming month, easements for sewer line installation will be obtained, the steel frame will be completed, brick masonry will begin, and the new section of Kennedy Road will be striped.

Kennedy Road Middle School Opens 

The newest school facility in the Griffin-Spalding County School System, Kennedy Road Middle School, opened to the public July 31, the day before the first day of school.  Kennedy Road Middle replaced the A. Z. Kelsey Middle School facility, which will become the A. Z. Kelsey Academy, home of the Crossroads Program.

Taking center stage at the Kennedy Road Middle School ribbon cutting and dedication from left to right is General Griffin Jim King, board of education members Barbara Jo Cook & Pete Graham, Chamber of Commerce chair and Partners in Education board of directors member Bill Thielemann, principal Dr. Brenda James, board of education member Fannie Delaney, superintendent Jesse Bradley, facilities director Bruce Ballard and Chamber of Commerce director Bonnie Pfrogner.

Following a short dedication ceremony and ribbon cutting, students, families and the community toured the school.
Here, academic support specialist Elisha Elias helps parents navigate the grand, new facility.

With Kennedy Road Middle School opening just one day before students are to report to school, dedicated teachers like Kenneth Vanderford pitch in to help students and parents complete the forms necessary for enrollment.