Spring Survey The Griffin-Spalding County School System (GSCS) appreciates your willingness to share your input in an effort to improve the parent engagement activities at our school and in our school system. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete and all of your answers will be confidential and anonymous. Only one survey should be completed per household. Thank you for participating! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D2B9R5Y (English) https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/C5ZY37R (Spanish)
10 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
It's School Social Work Week! Shout-out to our incredible school social workers who bring their expertise and unique educational background to our schools, creating a positive and inclusive environment for students. Thank you for advocating for student well-being. The difference you make for students and their families is immeasurable! You are the guiding light in our schools! #SSWWeek #PearlsOfWisdom
10 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
headshots of school social workers
Today is #MaintenanceWorkerAppreciationDay! Let's give a huge shout-out to these individuals who keep our schools safe, clean and functioning smoothly every single day! Thank you GSCS Maintenance Staff!
10 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
maintenance tool box with tools
Our Parent Engagement Newsletter has upcoming events and great information check it out at the following link: https://www.smore.com/n/xmjrpk
11 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
Smore Newsletter
Our cheerleaders @KennedyRoadMS welcomed our Rising 6th graders as they toured the school to help make the transition to middle school a positive experience.
11 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
Congratulations to our 6th grade i-ready Showdown Champs for February and to our Top Five High Five students @KennedyRoadMS @GriffinSpalding @CurriculumAssoc
11 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
Top Five High Five
We are looking forward to these amazing Rising 6th grade Cougars! Our Avid and Beta Club Students gave them a tour @KennedyRoadMS @GriffinSpalding to ensure they have a smooth transition while Moving to Middle School. We look forward to meeting parents next week March 6 @ 5:30pm
11 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
Recently, GSCS students submitted their original works for the annual Young Georgia Authors Writing Competition. The purpose of the Young Georgia Authors (YGA) writing competition is to encourage students to develop enthusiasm for and expertise in their writing, to provide a context to celebrate their writing successes, and to recognize student achievement in arts and academics. Congratulations to these system winners!
11 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
hand writing with heart pen
Please help us congratulate our Top Five High Five recipients for I-ready @CurriculumAssoc @KennedyRoadMS #CougarCulture
11 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
March is a busy month with lots of celebrations, events and holidays. Mark your calendars!
11 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
March observances
Scholastic Book Fair starts on Mar 4 - Don't want to send cash? now's the time to create your eWallet? Watch this short video at https://bit.ly/KRMSBookFairEwalletvideo to learn how it works, then visit our Fair homepage to set up your account: https://bit.ly/KRMSBookFairE-wallet
11 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
Juneteenth Bingo today during lunch. Congratulations to our winners of some AMAZING prizes and thank you to our hosts for bringing it ALL together @KennedyRoadMS
11 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
Juneteenth Bingo
Juneteenth Bingo winners
scholars during Juneteenth Bingo
Juneteenth Bingo prizes
Juneteenth Bingo prizes
KRMS Stakeholder Meetings will be held March 5 at 4:30pm and March 7 at 8:30 am in the Media Center. All parents are invited to attend and participate. The purpose of the meeting is to review and provide input on the CNA and SIP, the School Parent & Family Policy, the School-Parent Compact. Virtual link available.
11 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
Stakeholder flyer
Our Leadership Team @KennedyRoadMS was super productive as we focused on our Comprehensive Needs Assessment and our School Improvement Plan. We had great discussion delving into data and assessing any trends! We worked in groups and then shared out our findings. #KennedyCulture
11 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
data team
data team
Mrs. Rosalind Milton is our Teacher of the Month and we appreciate ALL she does for our scholars each and every day! Recognition for being our Cougar On the Move is well deserved!
11 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
Cougar on the Move
Congratulations to our Science Award Winners Siri Oduaran and Skye Oduaran! We are so proud of you @KennedyRoadMS @GriffinSpalding Your scholarship is exemplary! #EmpoweringTheLeaderInYou #KennedyCulture
11 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
Siri & Skye Oduaran with principal
Rising 6th graders Parent Night. Join us on March 6 from 5:30 - 6:30 pm
11 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
Girls' track practice is scheduled to take place at Kennedy Road from 4:15 to 5:30 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week. A parent meeting will be held in the commons area after Thursday's practice. To participate, please ensure that your student-athlete has a physical on file with Coach Wilder and is not failing two or more classes. We appreciate your patience as we transition into our track season.
11 months ago, Kennedy Road Middle School
GSCS seeks Gifted Advisory Council members. Please apply by Monday, Feb. 26. Members will meet from March to May to identify areas of strengths and areas of improvement to help guide future practices. Apply at: https://forms.gle/B3S75yr5eDMGGSMy7
11 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
All GSCS schools will be closed for President's Day & Winter Break February, 19-23, 2024.
11 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
chalk board and logo